SquaredudeAndCirclegirl by Mercerenies

Time Played: about 30 minutes

Overall Gameplay (9.5 / 13 points)

Comments: Wow there's a lot of stuff here! I hit my 30-minute limit with this game at a few levels after the fire element was first found. Most puzzle games like this seem to choose either quantity or quality - this one clearly picks both. There are a ton of levels, and most of them are genuinely challenging and engaging. Also I'm a HUGE fan of the backspace feature - it was excellently implemented, allowing me to seemingly indefinitely undo my previous movements. The variety of elements available to the player was another great feature. The ordering of the levels confused me a bit. Some of the later levels seemed aimed at teaching me concepts that I already had to learn in earlier levels. Also, some of the "rules" of objects/physics felt arbitrary and inconsistent to me - like, when a box collided with a line of other boxes, the box on the opposite end went flying... but not when a player was the thing colliding with the boxes. As another example, players would hover at the same elevation when put into motion by an air element, but boxes would fall straight down if the ground level dipped. This game was one of the rare cases where the graphics actually directly harmed the gameplay experience. I'm sure you've gotten a lot of comments about this already, but the pseudo-3D perspective just wasn't working for me. I could never quite get the hang of where things actually were, or whether something was extruded from the ground or not, or how high that ledge really is... it unfortunately undermined the experience pretty drastically.

Theme Inclusion (6 / 6 points)

Comments: I like this use of the theme! Works well and doesn't feel too forced.

Overall Presentation (6.5 / 10 points)

Comments: The delivery of instructions and controls was a strong point for this entry. That being said, I would've appreciated more direct cues to use the spacebar abilities on the other player - not knowing to try this was a bit of a hangup for me a few times. The game looks a lot better overall than what the graphics score indicates, but I had to impose a sizable penalty for how the graphics failed to represent walls, floors, and object positions in an intuitive way - as mentioned above, this was a big deal for gameplay. Music and sound effects were great.

Final comments: This was a standout entry held back by its visual problems. Other than that, it's extremely well-done from the mechanical implementation to the level design.

Total Score: 22 / 30