Forgodden by Gizmo199

Time Played: about 18 minutes

Overall Gameplay (10 / 13 points)

Comments: Getting very strong Hyper Light Drifter vibes from this game - certainly not a bad thing, as HLD did a lot of things really well and so did this game! The three different bosses were all very nicely done, and the final boss did a great job of tying everything together. The pace, difficulty, and length were all perfect for a game jam. Figuring out how to use my abilities to damage bosses was a fun challenge. Bosses changing their attack patterns as they became damaged was a great touch. The bird was somewhat frustrating to fight - towards the end the fight felt more "grind-ey" than engaging. The intro was a great way to get acquainted with my abilities, but it wasn't immediately clear what the differences were between my two attacks (for a while I thought that right-click was simply a stronger, slower version of left-click). The left-click attack really could've used a cooldown so I didn't feel pressured to murder my left mouse button each time a boss became vulnerable. I was really hoping that defeating a boss and collecting its element token thing would enhance my own abilities somehow. Like, for example, increasing the AOE of the right-click attack after beating the earth boss. This would've made the order of bosses the player fought more interesting, and it would've tied nicely with the final battle. I somehow made the bird boss fight crash the game, so I had to dock a few points for that. But the game saved my progress automatically - nice one!

Theme Inclusion (6 / 6 points)

Comments: Elements is a clear focus of the game - not much to comment on here.

Overall Presentation (10 / 10 points)

Comments: Perfect marks here! I really don't have any criticism to give on the presentation. The menu was slick and understandable, the mouse and keyboard icons during the intro served as a perfect tutorial for controls, the graphics looked really good, and the SFX/music fit nicely. This game had the HLD presentation formula down to a science, and executed it really well.

Final comments: This was an incredibly solid entry and I enjoyed it a lot. Addressing the points mentioned in the first comment section would've taken this game even further above and beyond - but it stands perfectly well on its own without doing so.

Total Score: 26 / 30